You Won’t Be Worried About People Who Judged You
When you start a new project, business, venture, etc., people are VERY quick to shoot you down and tell you why you can’t do it. Keep going anyways. As you gain some traction and move forward you’ll gain a little more support, but there will be many people in your life thinking to themselves about you “who does he/she think he/she is?” Don’t worry about them and keep going. As you achieve some goals and start to feel really good about where your life is headed, you might notice some people who choose to stop engaging with you because they don’t feel comfortable with how much you’ve grown. Get free from people like that.
The point I’m making is that your message isn’t for the people who are judging you — it’s for the people you are helping. For every 1 or 2 people that don’t like you, there will be 8 or 9 people that resonate with your message. You aren’t here on the planet to worry about the critics. You’re here on the planet to help those who need to hear what you have to say. See you at the Mountaintop.
Jeff Davis is a professional speaker and authentic leadership expert. He is author of the book Reach Your Mountaintop: 10 Keys to Finding the Hidden Opportunity in Your Setbacks, Flipping What You’ve Heard on Its Head, and Achieving Legendary Goals. He believes deeply in the power of the individual to find the silver lining in difficult situations.