Offering Someone a Job Doesn’t Give a Company a Right To Lie
The double standard in the business world is a real thing. By “double standard”, I’m referring to the way some companies feel they can manipulate and mislead their new employees once they’ve been hired. Yet when employees speak up for themselves, they’re often pegged as ungrateful.
The perfect example of the double standard is when a company pulls a bait and switch — an employee was hired for one job, and then they’re asked to do an entirely different job starting on day one. The employee, not wanting to make waves on their first day, decides to go along with it. One things leads to another, and the employee spends years in misery. This may seem like an extreme example, but you’d be surprised how often this happens in reality.
Please know I’m aware that every job has parts to it that aren’t fun. No job is perfect. That’s part of business, reality, and life. What I’m saying is that in all fairness and integrity, the job needs to be at least somewhat what the employee expected.
Here’s what a company can expect from employees:
- Full effort, day in and day out.
- Strong communication and a willingness to get along with other coworkers.
- Constant learning, growth, and improvement.
However, offering someone a job doesn’t give a company a right to lie to them.
Jeff Davis is an award-winning author, professional speaker, and authentic leadership expert. Check out his book The Power of Authentic Leadership.