It’s Never Too Early to Live Your Dreams, and It’s Never Too Late
It’s never too early to live your dreams, and it’s never too late. The best time to take action is always right now.
For many years, I’ve got a common response from people: “You’re too young to do [the goal/dream] you’re working on.”
I’m almost 30, and I still get this all the time.
So no one is allowed to move toward their dreams in their twenties? There are plenty of successful people who haven’t yet hit 30 years of age.
I network a lot and I’ve met some awesome people in their fifties. I’ve heard from people at this age that they frequently get a common response from people: “You’re too old to do [the goal/dream] you’re working on.”
Does this mean that the only time you’re allowed to live your dreams is between the ages of 30 and 50?
That’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard.
Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, didn’t get started until he was in his fifties. Colonel Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, didn’t achieve success until his 60s. Grandma Moses didn’t begin painting until age 78, yet that’s the career she’s known for.
If you let other people define your limits, you’re finished. There’s always a reason to not go after a dream. But there’s also always a reason why you can do it. The time is always just right.
Jeff Davis is an award-winning author. Check out his latest book The Power of Authentic Leadership: Activating the 13 Keys to Achieving Prosperity Through Authenticity.