How to Deal With Suicidal Thoughts and Help Those Who Are Having Them

Jeff Davis
2 min readSep 11, 2017

Nearly one million people commit suicide each year. A person commits suicide every 40 seconds. Something needs to be done.

If you are having suicidal thoughts yourself, here are three tips to help you:

  1. Shift back to neutral. When you’re at rock bottom, being overly positive is not practical. Instead of fighting your thoughts, choose to become the observer of your thoughts. You are not your mind; you are the observer of your mind. To do this, you can meditate, pray, reflect in your journal, go for a walk in nature, and/or call a trusted friend or family member on the phone. Do what works best for you.
  2. Remember you are loved. Even when it doesn’t feel like it, there are people who love you and support you. People care about you.
  3. Know that you have a purpose. Your purpose will not necessarily emerge right away, but I promise that you’re here on the planet for a reason.

If you are talking to a person who is or may be suicidal, here are three tips to help you:

  1. A lot of people freak out when talking to someone who is suicidal. I understand this thought, but remember that you don’t have to say a lot. Instead, listen to them. Say things like, “I understand how you feel” and “If I were in your shoes, I’d feel the same way.” The act of listening to someone helps to alleviate their suffering. When someone feels listened to and understood, it will help them deal with their dark moments.
  2. Remind others that they are loved and cared for. Tell them that you’re here for them. This doesn’t mean you’ll let them abuse your time, but it does let people know they have someone to call before they end their lives.
  3. Encourage others to get help. Getting help is a sign of strength, not a sign of weakness. There are psychologists and trained professionals who can help the person you are talking to. Remind them it’s alright for them to talk about their struggles in a way that allows them to get the help they need.

Suicide is an international epidemic. These tips are only the tip of the iceberg, but they are a start. If we apply some of these tips, the suicide rate will start to go down. Let’s care for one another.

Jeff Davis is an award-winning author and speaker.



Jeff Davis

Award-Winning author, blogger, world traveler, TEDx speaker — a.k.a. Mr. Mountaintop: